Denville Community Gardens

New Gardener Registration for Denville Community Gardens is Saturday, March 8 9-noon at Gardner Field House.
Registration fee is $6.

Some pictures of Denville Community Gardens can be seen on the Virtual Tour of


In March 1972,seventeen hardy souls pioneered the first planting of the Denville Community Gardens. The original idea was an environmental project by Lorraine Caruso who, as a member of the Environmental Commission, had the approval of the Mayor and PRIDE, as well as the Town Council.

Bob Thompson succeeded Lorraine as Administrator, followed by Dennis Mahony and in 1981, Arline Cowell, followed by Dennis Mahony again in 1996 and now Bob Grant and Jan Frazer in 2012.

These first gardeners had to lug pails of water from the river until a couple of years later when a gasoline pump was installed. Now an electric pumping system is available with a regular watering schedule making that part of garden care less strenuous. These improvements were paid for from registration fees which keep the project self-supporting.

Until recently, extra plots were always available, but in the past two years 68 new people registered for garden space. Maybe the poor economy is causing the spur in interest or perhaps people are just more concerned with knowing exactly how their food is grown and what goes on it. Every effort is made to find room for all who want to join our community.

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