Indoor Container Victory Garden – Eggplant

During #WW1 and #WW2, home gardens produced up to 40% of the produce in the U.S. With costs of living skyrocketing and supply issues increasing, it is time to get back to self-sufficiency. It is also a great learning experience and hobby.

This species of eggplant produces 3-4″ round mauve eggplants. It is perfect for grilling, frying, stuffing or baking. This species thrives in container gardening, meaning it can grow indoors during the winter.

These smaller eggplant varieties don’t need a ton of room to grow, and many of the smaller types will do just fine in pots as small as two gallons. But, keep in mind, the larger the pot, the less frequently you will need to water. The most important factor for any pot is drainage, so make sure your pot has plenty of holes in the bottom and don’t be afraid to drill out a few more if needed. Put about a half inch of aquarium gravel in the bottom of the pot with holes in the bottom of the container to ensure proper water drainage.

Victory garden leaflet, Burpee Seeds, 1918
