Indoor Container Victory Garden – Carrots

During #WW1 and #WW2, home gardens produced up to 40% of the produce in the U.S. With costs of living skyrocketing and supply issues increasing, it is time to get back to self-sufficiency. It is also a great learning experience and hobby.

Carrots are shade tolerant. So you don’t necessarily need grow lights for them. The containers can be moved around from window to window to catch the morning and afternoon sun.

Carrots come in different growth sizes. So a shorter carrot like the Little Fingers are perfect for indoor container gardening.

Choose a pot that is about one foot deep, or even a bucket (perfect are the 35lb cat litter buckets!). Plant the seeds about an inch apart. Spray the top soil to keep it moist; but don’t over water. In about 90 days, your first crop should be ready to harvest! Replace each harvested carrot with a new seed for continuous production!

Victory garden leaflet, Burpee Seeds, 1918
