#MorrisCty – The Raptor Trust

Have you ever been to the Raptor Trust?  My daughter had an internship here and it is a fantastic day trip!

The Raptor Trust is a result of one man’s long-time interest in nature and, particularly, birds of prey. Len Soucy first became interested in hawks after a visit to Hawk Mountain Sanctuary in Kempton, Pennsylvania, in the fall of 1964. From that time on he has had a passionate concern for the well-being of raptors. His concern was well founded, for prior to the passage of the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act in 1972, there was no legal protection for hawks and owls. In the ecological “dark ages,” raptors (and most other predators) were viewed as vermin, bad and vicious killers, and they were regularly destroyed with impunity.

Many states, including New Jersey, actually placed bounties on some birds of prey. And although there were many raptor advocates like Soucy, there were precious few people, and almost no facilities, that provided care to injured and orphaned predatory birds.  In 1968 Soucy bought a home on 14 acres of property in Millington, N.J.

1390 White Bridge Rd
Millington, NJ 07946
(908) 647-2353

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